Friday, March 22, 2019


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As we wrap the James and the Giant Peach Jr. production week and head into Shabbat, I want to take a moment to thank you for playing such an important part of and supporter of the musical here at Davis.

What an incredible experience it has been working with each of your children! From the smallest of the small, to the tallest of the tall, from our students on-stage to those behind stage, each child "played" her or his part with great passion, enthusiasm, team-work, and joy.  
Every day, hour, and minute spent with them was a pleasure and truly the creating the most kind, supportive, loving environment for which we could ever wish.
Watching our Mechinas take to the stage for the first time ever and learn how to bow and wow a crowd was inspiring and precious;  watching our Shark Kindergartners' protect their shark line and develop and how off their leadership skills was heart-warming; seeing the K, 1st and 2nd grade take flight in their moves, sing out loud for all to hear,  and make friendships with our middle school mentors was empowering;  seeing the third through fifth graders take on extra stage responsibilities with fervor, vim and vigor,  and incredible enthusiasm makes us terrifically excited for the Performing Arts programs and productions for years to come. How amazingly awesome were ALL of our LS cast members?!
The Middle school cast and crew role modeled beautifully for our lower school cast members and for each other. Their work ethic, kindness towards each other,  and support of each other were exemplary, as were their confident, assured, larger than life performances. They created a team atmosphere which shone throughout the entire production process from auditions in November through to Strike of the musical on Tuesday. 
It is a blessing, honor, privilege, and joy to work with your children.  Thank you for allowing your children to take on the musical adventure this year, for your support, and for your time in helping to make our kids and show shine! 
It is such a unique Davis experience to participate in the all-school musical, where ages do no matter, there are no grade levels, where we are one large communal playground, and our classroom is open to every student in the school to have a spot on stage in the spotlight. 
Theatre is such a unique discipline in which we strive to create strong readers, confident and assured voices,  collaborators and problem solvers all coming together in pursuit of one communal goal to entertain and move our audiences.
I often tell my students, everything we need to learn, to succeed, and be career ready we learn on a stage. Even more so on M-8th stage where curiosity, freedom of expression, freedom to fail, freedom to sing and dance, creative play, open-mindedness, courage, risk-taking, making friends of all ages, and joy of learning are the foundations of rehearsal and putting on a play.
A show is the very essence of project management where collaborative learning, creativity, communication, and creative differences/problem-solving reign supreme.  
An actor must speak articulately with an empowered voice to convey the story’s meaning to an audience with the dual objective of entertaining an audience, in addition to providing an emotional transformation, educational journey, and perspective changing of an audience. There is no greater power than using one’s own voice to move another human being to laughter, tears, or understanding.
To prepare for a show problem solving is key: how to work with others, dealing with creative differences, what if an actor forgets her lines, what if the lights go out, what if a prop is missing, how to deal with stage fright, where do all of these actors stand, how do I design abstractly a set-costume-light design that heightens the tone, mood, feeling, sentiment of the play, etc... It is an exercise in joy, imagination, creative play, grit, collaboration, growth mindset, business, resilience, and empowerment.
The process of putting together a play requires creativity, empathy for others, compassion, perspective taking, the ability to create world’s never seen or to re-examine history, cultures, civilizations, to take note our of past, explore our present, and define our future. Empowering children’s voices is the key to making sure all girls and boys continue to speak out; to be given platforms for presenting and performing.
We are all players on a stage, and "performing" is the one universal skill used in every career: an attorney, a doctor, a salesperson, a hedge fund manager, a teacher, a politician, a CEO. This is a skill that is most vital to teach at the onset of formal education. The ability to speak well publicly, to articulate one’s ideas in a clear, persuasive manner in which another person will “buy” your idea is the foundation block of career readiness and of life. Theatre prepares all of us for life beautifully!
Einstein said, “Creativity is intelligence having fun.”
What fun was had and we cannot wait to share our universal, all-school classroom, playground, and enrichment experience with each other again next year!


Monday, March 18, 2019

A few reminders for tomorrow (TUESDAY ALL SCHOOL)

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Image result for so proud

What amazing three shows we have had! 
Cast and crew, you rocked it!!

We cannot wait for our last show tomorrow for our school community and area pre-schools!

Please remember:

Tuesday Call and Show Information
·         Lower School Cast members do not need to be here until 9:00, which will allow them to get an extra hour of sleep.  We recognize that this timing does not work for everyone and may be difficult for families as you will be dropping off siblings or going to work.  We will have coverage and a video for those that need to arrive at 7:30.
·         Middle School Cast and Crew are called for 7:30. Spiker and Sponge, Ladahlord, Insects is called for 7:00 “Peachy”!!! J
·         Middle School students will spend the whole day with us on strike duty after the play is finished with a 5:30 final L dismissal. 
Play Shirts
Please note that students may wear their t-shirts in lieu of or over their Davis polos through Tuesday.  Their uniform bottoms and shoes must still meet the Davis uniform standard.

Image result for break a leg

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Wow! What a day!!!

Dear Amazing Thespians,
KP and I are so impressed by the amazing professionalism and enthusiasm that all of our performers exuded during the epic double today.  We had over 1200 guests, and the buzzing throughout the morning, day and evening were incredible. 
What time does school start tomorrow J?
Carpool doors will open tomorrow at regular time, and school will begin on time as well.  I am aware that a good number of our cast are exhausted, and thus they may sleep in a bit.  This is a parent decision, and we support you making the decision of what is best for your children.
Below you will find information for the remaining two shows as well as a few other important notes.
Monday Night’s Show
Spiker and Sponge, Ladahlord
Insects, James, and All Crew
Reporters, Agents, Garden Guild
Matron Nurse, Karla, Vagrants, Victims
Bobby & Billy Cops, All ensemble
SHOW (finish at 8:15ish)
These students will take the 2:45 shuttle down or be walked down by a teacher (depending on the shuttle’s arrival time J)
These students can take the 3:30 shuttle down to the LS
Tuesday Call and Show Information
·         Lower School Cast members do not need to be here until 9:00, which will allow them to get an extra hour of sleep.  We recognize that this timing does not work for everyone and may be difficult for families as you will be dropping off siblings or going to work.  We will have coverage and a video for those that need to arrive at 7:30.
·         Middle School Cast and Crew are called for 7:30. Spiker and Sponge, Ladahlord, Insects is called for 7:00 “Peachy”!!! J
·         Middle School students will spend the whole day with us on strike duty after the play is finished with a 5:30 final L dismissal. 
Play Shirts
Please note that students may wear their t-shirts in lieu of or over their Davis polos through Tuesday.  Their uniform bottoms and shoes must still meet the Davis uniform standard.
Activities, snack and water bottles in the cast rooms
Please feel free to send younger students with games, activities, and water for the rooms.  There is a good amount of time in between their opening numbers and final scenes.

See you tomorrow,
KP & Drew 

Saturday, March 16, 2019


Image result for break a leg


Image result for theatre crew memeCREW Call Times
7:30 am CALL TIME FOR the SUNDAY, MARCH 17th, 1pm Show
3:45pm CALL TIME FOR the SUNDAY, MARCH 17th, 7pm Show
3:00 pm CALL TIME FOR the MONDAY, MARCH 18th, 6:30pm Show
7:25am CALL TIME FOR the TUESDAY, MARCH 19th, Morning  Show

Lower School Call Times 
All students need to be here by the times below at the latest (you are welcome to arrive earlier), as we are going to run the finale and bows 45 minutes before the show starts. 

Image result for theatre show memeSHOW OPENING: SUNDAY, MARCH 17, 2019
11:30 AM CALL TIME 3rd -5th
12:00 PM CALL TIME M-2nd
1:00 SHOW PM TIME Finish 2:45ish

5:30 PM CALL TIME  3rd-5th
6:00 PM CALL TIME M-2nd
7:00 PM SHOW, FINISH 8:45ish

5:00 PM CALL TIME  3rd-5th
5:30 PM CALL TIME  M-2nd

 Lower School Cast members do not need to be here until 9:00am, which will allow them to get an extra hour of sleep.  We recognize that this timing does not work for everyone and may be difficult for families as you will be dropping off siblings or going to work.  We will have coverage for those that need to arrive at 7:30.

Middle School Call Times
All students need to be here by the times below at the latest (you are welcome to arrive earlier to get dressed, warm up, stretch, run through material), as we are going to run the finale and bows 45 minutes before the show starts. 

Hair and Make-Up Call Times:
Image result for theatre kid problemsSUNDAY, MARCH 17th, 1pm Show
8:00am   Spiker and Sponge, Ladahlord
8:30am   Insects, James
9:00am   Reporters, Agents, Garden Guild
9:15 am  Matron Nurse, Karla, Vagrants, Victims
9:15am   Bobby & Billy Cops, All ensemble

SUNDAY, MARCH 17th, 7pm Show
3:45pm   Spiker and Sponge, Ladahlord
4:00pm   Insects, James
4:30pm   Reporters, Agents, Garden Guild
4:45 pm  Matron Nurse, Karla, Vagrants, Victims
5:00pm   Bobby & Billy Cops, All ensemble
Image result for theatre kid problems
MONDAY, MARCH 18th, 6:30pm Show
2:45pm   Spiker and Sponge, Ladahlord
3:00pm   Insects, James
3:30pm   Reporters, Agents, Garden Guild
3:45 pm  Matron Nurse, Karla, Vagrants, Victims
4:00pm   Bobby & Billy Cops, All ensemble

7:00am Spiker and Sponge, Ladahlord, Insects
7:30am ALL

ALL MS CAST PLEASE APPLY YOUR OWN SKIN TONE FOUNDATION PRIOR TO ARRIVAL.  You must also have your compression undergarments on!

GIRLS MUST ARRIVE IN PIN CURLS, YOU WILL NOT HAVE TIME TO PIN CURL YOUR HAIR AT CALL TIME. Please wear your pin curls to school on Monday if need be!

     No Jewelry- Please do not wear or send your children with any bracelets, hair ties, rings…etc. 

unky Town J - All students are strongly encouraged to bring/wear deodorant as this will be a long day under the lights.

·     Nails - If you want to do your nails, pick a color that matches your costumes. Otherwise, please leave your nails plain.

·    Hydrate – Everyone should bring a nice sized water bottle so that they can stay hydrated throughout the run.  We will provide a snack for them in the rooms.

Any questions re: makeup and hair? Please email Ms. Kendrick at

MS cast and crew are called until 5:30pm on 3/19 for strike. Strike (breaking down of the set) is mandatory for all MS cast and crew as laid out in the production contract, at the time of audition, and throughout the rehearsal process.  We begin the strike process after lunch and it takes everyone working together to get it done. Please do not pick up your child early or take them to another activity. This is their final commitment to the show. Thank you in advance for understanding and honoring this commitment and the duration of this vitally important part of the show.



As we wrap the James and the Giant Peach Jr. production week and head into Shabbat, I want to take a moment to thank you for playing s...